
Captian's Log: Sink-Oh

Quick update on the Rabbit, then a little something different.

I've been tooling on the Rabbit pretty hard these last few weekends, and my past personal posts reflect that. I'm pretty much where I want to be with it for the time being, so It freed me up for other things. Before we get into that, I will start with the finishing touch that was made to the Rabbit last week.

Integrated Engineering's Stage 1 07K(2.5) Tune
The reason I was working on the Rabbit these past couple of weekends was for this, a ECU tune. I wont go into too much detail, as it's all been mentioned previously in my posts. However, I will give it s brief review.


The flash took about 15 mins, and it really makes the car fun to drive. Throttle response is tight, redline was raised, and the car just feels dialed in now. I even get pops and crack between shifts and during engine deceleration. Really waked the car up. Ill post a video when I can.

Now, on to the weekend.



The weekend officially started on Friday, when my youngest decided to run a fever, and had to stay home. Not much was done that day, other than naps and TV.


After cleaning up the garage, I stopped by my Dad's house to look at and old go kart I used to ride. I'm wanting to get myself and my boys into cars and engines, and I think karting is a good start.
The old "Jegs" Kart. (It has a Jegs decal on the back). 2 seater, Live Axel
Plans are to freshen it up, redo the back axle and wheels, and the drop on the Predator 212 engine I picked up from Harbor Freight.
This joker was $89.00 with my Inside Track card!
Plans for the 212 are what's keeping my wrenches turning right now. Common sense would say leave it alone, and let the kids cut their teeth on karting with stock power. However I do not think straight, so it's already under the knife. Nothing serious... yet. Just a carb and muffler swap, governor delete, and billet flywheel swap.
Saturday ended with a little Nintendo action. Farm Simulator.
Yes, it is fun. No, I don't know why/how
This game is quite relaxing. It's exactly what it says, and nothing more. The oldest even likes it. You just tend to the fields and animals using various farm vehicles. Game of the Year.


Sunday started early with church, then unrolled into a long afternoon. Stopped by Publix to pick up some subs for lunch, then the kids went down for a nap. I took this opportunity to start working on the 212. Stripped it down so I could bolt the carb and exhaust on when they come. Also got sidetracked and did some pointless (maybe) dress up to the engine. Pulled all the idiot stickers off and added some others.
As it was

Stripped and fuel tank pulled

Found some thermal tape in a drawer. Couldn't hurt, right? Cool fuel...?

Subsequently, I think the color scheme is going to be gold and black.
After that, I  turned the race on, and spent some time in and out of the garage watching the game and tooling on the lawn mower. It's yard work season. I hate yard work. However, it must be done, so I try to keep my equipment running. Spent some time cleaning the mower and making sure it was running right. I bought it in 2008, still running like a champ. Its about do for another round of plug/blade/belts. Just a cleaning for now.
Disassembled and cleaned the air filter housing, as well as the external part of the carb. Little feet.

FWD has been weak. Decided to clean and tighten things up.

My Foreman made sure everything was done to code. "You fix this"

Cleaned and greased the FWD system.
I wish this was a flame thrower and grass could scream. (Too dark?)
As the day drew to a close, a trip was made to Publix again, and the weeks groceries as well as the nights dinner was bought. Biscuits and (homemade) sausage gravy for dinner. No pics of this, too busy eating.
Ended the night with a late night drive around one of my "routes". I have a few mapped out routes for when I feel like taking a drive. This is a shorter one, takes about 30 minutes, full circle. One day i'll actually route out the different courses and share them.
Driving is a good way to end the day. Gives the mind a break and helps me reset.
Well, that's the my weekend in a nutshell. I think I'll be starting to add another group of posts dedicated to Kart related activities only.
As mentioned previously, I am on call this week. So I'll either have lots to post about, or be so busy/tired I wont have time. ONLY TIME WILL TELL.