The Screwdriver. The one tool I truly feel lost without.
This particular screwdriver is a Husky - 3/8 in. x 16 in. Square Shaft Standard Slotted Screwdriver with Butyrate Handle, readily available at Home depot.
The driver has many purposes, but its main use is to open meter box lids. Auxiliary tasks include positioning meters, prying things open, widening meter tail-to-meter gaps, canine defense, and intimidating customers. Others carry variations, but I prefer the feel and length of this particular driver. So much so, that I generally carry two on my truck.
I tend to lose them a lot ( I average two a month), so if you live in Clay County, and are a rate payer, keep an eye out for one of these poking up in your yard. You can keep it, consider it a gift from your local utility.
This is the first in a series of tools I use, that I will randomly stick in with my regular posts. Let me know if there is anything specific you would like to see!