Received a little package in the mail yesterday. A rubber wedding ring!!!
I havent worn my actual wedding ring in quite some time. Mainly because it no longer fits, and also for fear of getting it stuck or caught on something at work and ripping my finger off.
I know this bothers my wife, so when some seemingly random add popped up on Facebook for an "Outdoors" wedding ring, I took a look. This was the result.
It's from a company called QALO ( I think it's pronounced Kway-Low, or maybe Kwah-Low... I'm not sure, maybe Kwah-Loo? They look to sell some pretty neat stuff, and for a pretty cool reason. I'd suggest checking them out.
I'm going to try it out for awhile, it was a nice price, and at least I know what size ring to wear now. No more dinging my ring up at work either!