We had a pretty interesting time this past week. Over all good, but we (I) had a scare with Jacob. Last Thursday, little buddy was standing and holding himself up against our coffee table. He was on one side, and I was sitting on the other, and we were hold a "conversation". It mostly consisted of his babbling, and my laughter and responding back with my own babble.
My wife was on her way home, and when she pulled up in the driveway, she opened the garage door to pull in. This set the dogs off, barking and screaming at the door. Which in turn scared Jake, causing him to pull his hands away from the table, and fall. On his way down he hit his mouth on the edge.
I went around to pick him up, thinking he just bonked his head, but after I had him in my arms, blood started coming out of his mouth... a lot. I tought he must have knocked a tooth out, or at least one loose, but it turned out to that he bit his upper lip, and tore his frenulum. It grossed me out, but he seemed ok. Called the doctor afterhours, and they said nothing could be done, at that if his mouth looked ok, and his gums and teeth were ok, to just leave him be. So we did.
On another note, for the first time in the history of me filling my taxes... I have filled them early. I am proud of this. I usually wait till maybe a day or two before, usually because I forget. We have some money coming back to us, and have already earmarked some for a new bed. The fullsize just isn't cutting it.
I hope to use a little towards getting the Saturn back on the road, and hopefully putting a down payment on a new car. The rest will be saved.