Times have come and gone again. YouTube tastes have changed (and stayed the same). There is a lot of junk on YouTube, both good and bad. Here is an updated list of my subscriptions on YouTube. Some are still the same, but this time I will at least try and categorize them. I will share all the channels I subscribe to, short of some that will be of no interest to anyone but me, such as the town channel for Sparta, NC.
I follow 94 channels, so for the sake of you, me, and the possibility of me continuing on with my blog, I am only going to post my channel subscription one category at a time. Seeing as how 22 of them are Automotive related, I will post that category first. All links to channels should work, but a quick YouTube search should put you in the right direction.
Format will be as follows:
Channel Name - Sub Category - Information - Family Friendly Rating
DODGEVANRACING - Japan Culture/Racing - In Japan, US Military bases left/leave/surplus Dodge B Series/Ram Vans. Motorcycle racers use them to haul around their bikes and parts. One day they decided to race them. Now they build them and once a year they race them. Not updated in awhile. They call them "Daijibans" which is broken English for "Dodge Van".
Goodwood Road & Racing - I watch for the Festival of Speed, but they have many other clips of races. Generally races involving historical/antique race cars. The "FoS" is a yearly hill climb at Goodwood, where they race one at a time to try and get the fastest times. All vehicles are raced: Trucks, Nascar, Rally, F1, Experimental, Antique, Pre-War, etc.
Hagerty - Car/Engine builds. Various car content - A channel that host many different car shows and builds. I mainly watch the "Redline Rebuilds", hosted by Davin Reckow. If you have ever seen the time lapse videos of engines being broken down and rebuilt, this is where it came from. He rebuilds mainly odd engines and shares the steps involved. These engines have included old inline 8s, odd Buick V8s, and things like flathead Fords. The have other hosts that review and compare cars (think Top Gear), as well as share in car news and culture.
Rating - G - Of what I've watched, there is nothing to be concerned with. A corporate ran channel that appeals to all ages.
Rating - G/ Cautionary PG - I don't really remember him every having any real content issues/foul language, but this is his own channel, and there may be some "over the top" humor.
Rating - Cautionary Hard G. He is mindful of his content, but it is real life. There may be an occasional joke or word said by others. Nothing close to terrible.
Rating - PG/PG-13. Some crude, tongue in cheek jokes at times. Language has become more "open" as they have gotten older. Noting super crude. Sometimes it's bleeped, sometimes it's not.
MCM TV2 - Car News and Culture - Mighty Car Mods second channel. More of a behind the scenes channel with B content. They host "Unicorn Circuit" here, where they provide commentary on automotive news and upcoming content.
Rating - See Above.
Noriyaro - Japanese Car Culture - Alex lives in Japan, and shares his automotive adventures. He races/drifts various cars, and shares the street auto culture and shops/garages in and around Japan.
Rating - PG. Nothing horrible. Just the content and subject matter that comes with automotive/street life.
Rating - G. I feel that this channel also airs their content on TV, so language and humor is acceptable to all.
Rating - Hard PG - Content wise, it's all safe. He is hilarious and I enjoy listening to him with his heavy hillbilly draw (My wife does not). Language wise, he bleeps nothing and occasionally says sh**, but you'll for sure hear a "damn" every once in awhile. About what you'd expect to hear/see from you grandpa while he was working on a car.
Puddin's Fab Shop 2 - Behind the Scenes - Just about the same content as his first channel, but the videos are shorter. I view it more of a "come along with me" channel. The videos are less edited, and a little more personal. Shows you some more in depth work of his projects, and shares info about upcoming projects.
Rating - See Above
Rating - Hard PG-13/TV-14. He bleeps any strong language, which I dont think is frequent, but there is frequent "suggestive" comments and crude jokes. He has an "assistant" who models outside of the channel, and her "features" are often commented on and shown when she is present. Not in a blatant, disrespectful, humiliating way, she is in on the humor, but it's still there.
Rating - G/Soft PG - Quirky, generally harmless humor. It's just him running the channel.
Rating - PG/Soft PG-13 - Mild language, that is mostly bleeped. Frequently uses the, "That's what she/he said." jokes. She is (proudly) awkward, and that can lead to awkward jokes/comments. Some might think she occasionally dresses... for lack of a better word... "inappropriately", but nothing you wouldn't see at the mall. On second thought, in today's day and age, it would be more appropriate.
Sloppy Mechanics - Car Builds - If you are into LS SWAP THE WORLD, this channel is for you. Matt takes junkyard LS engines, throws simple parts/tech at them and makes 600 to 1000 WHP cars and trucks. If you have ever seen the 600+HP White Chevy Colorado on the internet, this is the guy. He graciously shares his knowledge and experience for free. He also builds other LS swapped vehicles, and shares other projects that come into his dyno. If you are into LS Swapping, this is the man. Find his website as well.
Rating - PG-13 - Generally just him in his videos. Content is nothing to be concerned about. Language can be strong at times. Think general "shop talk" language.
Tom's Turbo Garage - Car Builds - Tom is another person that performs amazing, super clean, detailed car builds. He hasn't posted in a year, but he has plenty of content. He is a DSM guy as well, but has made some other amazing vehicles. A heavily modded LS3 Swapped 2nd gen Miata, a turbo LS swapped 1st gen Tacoma, and more. All his builds are meticulous and detailed, no corners cut.
Rating - G - Tom's content is as squeaky clean as his shop is. No language concern. Family man.
Toyota Maintenance - Toyota Specific Maintenance - Peter runs an independent Toyota repair shop and shares his work on the vehicles that come in. A "by the book" mechanic, that believes in proper maintenance and shop procedures. A helpful channel if you own a Toyota, specifically a Prius or Tacoma.
Rating - G - Just an above average mechanic working on cars. His cheerful personality and accent are great.
Uncle Tony's Garage - Car builds/Tech tips - A true old school mechanic. Works mainly on Mopars, but dables in other things as well. This is a man that has years of old school tuning and hot rod building experience. Contains knowledge that has since been forgotten. Knowledge that comes from years of turning wrenches and trial and error. Tony is the kind of guy that can just make it happen with a few tools and some time. Low buck tech and power mods.
Rating - G/Soft PG - Content is always clean and car related. I cannot recall any red flags on language, but I would think of him as you would any shade tree mechanic. He generally has a cigarette in one hand at all times.
Rating - G/Soft PG - Content is clean, may be some tongue in cheek comments/humor.
Ok. I think that's it. Well...
Let's see if I continue with this.